Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Hope....

Am following the blog of a family adopting from New Hope and have snagged a photo from there.
Since their adoption is a private affair I am not sharing more.

There are actually lots of photos on New Hope's web site.
I was amazed at the organizational skills of Joyce and her staff back in 2001
and now that they are at a different and much bigger facility I am sure I will be even more
blown away.

I am hoping they can teach me to do that at home with just three kids, when they have so many.

We are all at home today doing nothing and in a candy induced stupor.


Ivy Shaffer said...

Hello, thought I would stop by and say what a lovely family you have.
I read your profile and then realized I had to say hi. My hubby and I are in our 50's and returned in January with our baby girl. We were all excited (his idea of course) about turning around and going back for a sister for her. Then a few wks ago he told me "no" , he thinks we are too old. Yikes!!! I don't feel old, my knees creek a bit, but prior to our adoption I was working 12-18hour long shifts as a nurse. That was work and aging me fast!
So I could use a little uplifting here and maybe some advice on how to convince him that 51 is not old!

Getting older LOL in NJ


Cindy said...

My son and DIL (along with both grandmas) just returned Nov 15th with a darling little one from China. She is 11 mo. old and just started walking. I am going to pass along your blog to my DIL to read. You will have to visit her blog. She is so talented and you can see photos of Malia.
Thanks for your visit.
Jen's blog:
Have a great day